Friday, March 21, 2008

New Genes from Nowhere? - Transposons maybe aren't "Junk"

We haven't discussed this in class yet, so now seems like a good time - especially as we consider genetic modification and what seems to be questionable tinkering with genetic material from the outside. 

As it stands, though we know viruses sometimes insert their DNA into ours. Furthermore, some "jumping genes" - called "transposons" - within our genome move from one location to another not infrequently over evolutionary time. 

This article discusses how transposon "junk DNA" may have come to some use in fruit flies: re-purposed to actually be a functional gene. This adds yet another mechanism of mutation and means by which big genetic changes can evolve quickly.  Read more HERE

A related article and study in opossums (yes, opossums) shed more light on 1) how junk DNA can evolve functionality, and 2) how much of this has to do with evolving into regulatory genes!

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